Email Configuration

I am trying to understand how email is supposed to work in Axelor. Sure, I can set up and send email from a applicable module, but I was expecting the messaging module to act like an inbox. Is this not so?

If this is the case, how is unrelated email to be handled? That is, email that is not related to an activity or module (yet).

Tips and instructions will be much appreciated.



1 « J'aime »


In Axelor the email system allows you to send emails, but it is not designed to be an inbox.

Messaging module does not allow to receive external emails. It allows to discuss with other users of the ERP on business objects such as a quotation, an invoice … etc. For example, you can subscribe to an invoice thread, and receive all the discussions of the invoice thread in Messaging and reply to them.

You will find on our Youtube channel a video (only in French for the moment) that quickly explains how Messaging works :

Currently we are also updating the functional documentation and there will be a chapter about Messaging and email configuration.

Thank you for your explanation.

I am right then, that if an email is sent from a CRM campaign or from the Helpdesk, and if a response to that email is sent, if won’t end up back in the CRM, or HelpDesk module?

Yes you’re right, the response will only arrive in the mailbox of the email account used to send the emails in Axelor.

Note that about messaging, you can configure the software so that external people can receive messages from a thread and can answer them directly from their mailbox. And it will allow to receive their answers directly in the inbox of Messenger.

Here you can find the process for the configuration :

1 « J'aime »

Thank you - now I get it.

Hi, i try to read the but the file is not found. Can you please help to reupload. thanks