Rest API Post Request

I agree!
@Jeanguy It’s easier in the way described by @siddique
The class cast exception seems you are sending a payload not properly with the format of SaleOrder

Thank you.
Do you have a documentation about this way?

it’s same rest service

create method in controller
create action linked to controller
call rest service of action end point
it will have data as json and no model required

json will be key value pairs

Do you know if there are any examples because I don’t know this way at all, I’m more comfortable with API calls with json.

do you know how to create action?

I know how to create an action, but I don’t know how to put data and how to call it from webservice.

I shared links they are not helping?

Not really, I understand the idea, but I don’t know the code to put in the action, and how to put my data.

Is it possible to call action « action-group-supplychain-saleorder-onnew » and put my data from JSON?

how you are trying so far ?
i am assuming you want to call it from mobile or other system

I want to call it from an other application.
I try with API, but not with Method because I don’t know how to send data from my application to the Action.

The only thing I want is to create an order with data from my application. So maybe it is possible to call action « action-group-supplychain-saleorder-onnew »?

can you share how did you try? i meant code snippets, i will share how to do it via method

Thank you for your response and the time you are taking.
I don’t understand what I have to do.
I have an application that allows me to send an http PUT request to Axelor, with data in JSON.

But via a Method request I don’t know what to call, nor how to pass the values to create the sales order.

For example, via postman how to create a sale order?

That depend how you wrote you controller.
If you can send a snippet how you code for the Sale Order is written would be easier.
Anyway you have to respect the DTO structure

I don’t wrote a controller, do you have example?

Is it possible to call the « action-group-supplychain-saleorder-onnew » from postman with data into body, looking like:


  "data": {


    "clientPartner":"T0010 - Client test",


        "product": "[123.456] Produit test",

        "productName": "Test api",


        "attrs":"{\"Test\": \"test\"}",






it’s quite possible but you have to follow full flow and have data accordingly

that’s why said the other way

So I don’t understand what is the other way.

Do you understand what I would like to do?

Hello @Jeanguy
In order to call this action « action-group-supplychain-saleorder-onnew »
You need to execute more actions in 1 single action because that action is an action group.

Basically what @siddique is saying you need to create a JSON object that follows your sale order structure.
Then POST a new request on your server. (After being properly authenticated)

I have made some progress on my problem.
To create a saleOrder we can make a PUT request :


with these paramters:


    "data": {

        "mainInvoicingAddressStr": "Rue test API",

        "statusSelect": 3,

        "firstName": "Smith",

        "company": {

                "id": 1


        "creationDate": "YYY-MM-DD",

        "salemanUser": {

            "id": 2


        "externalReference": "Test api 4 Postman",

        "stockLocation": {

            "id": 1


        "clientPartner": {

            "id": 12


        "currency": {

                "id": 46




Get the id of saleorder into response, and then, make a PUT request for line:


with parameters:


    "data": {

            "toInvoice": false,

            "typeSelect": 0,

            "isQtyRequested": false,

            "productName": "Test ligne API 4",

            "invoicingDate": null,

            "supplierPartner": null,

            "price": "99.9900000000",

            "inTaxTotal": "11998.80",

            "exTaxTotal": "9999.00",

            "inTaxPrice": "119.9880000000",

            "priceDiscounted": "99.9900000000",

            "taxLine": {

                "id": 35


            "billOfMaterial": {

                "id": 4


            "desiredDelivDate": null,

            "sequence": 0,

            "unit": {

                "id": 1


            "qty": "100.00",

            "saleOrder": {

                "id": ID from previous saleorder


            "companyCostPrice": "0.00",

            "product": {

                "id": 6


            "saleSupplySelect": 3,

            "standardDelay": 1,

            "createdBy": {

                "id": 2




I think I have to add « companyExTaxTotal », « taxTotal » and « inTaxTotal » into request for saleorder

2 « J'aime »

Seems ok ! Good

@daryl . Have you tried the Advanced Rest Service ??. If yes have you come across the 403 issues using POST . Like you did with the normal REST API, i tried with PUT that it didn’t work. I got a 405 error