Where can we get axelor platform 7.0 source code?

we can get the 7.0 Migration Guide, but the source code in github is still 6.15
Can we get the 7.0 souce code?


1 « J'aime »

change log link on Release Notes page is broken so.
404 - page not found

1 « J'aime »


you can refer this link for your Migration


Thank you.

I dont understand , axelor platform , not axelor open suite


Currently, we have just published the compiled sources on the Nexus. AOS can be built using the Nexus.

We will publish the original source code in a few weeks on Github.


4 « J'aime »

This? Sonatype Nexus Repository

1 « J'aime »

Great! the new platform 7.0 have many enhancements, hope we can get source code soon

1 « J'aime »