7.2.7 > 8.0.4 but my Modules are still 7.2.7

Hi everyone,

I’ve updated my test environment to the latest Axelor Version 8.0.4. I’ve made the schema changes and they are apples to apples. I redeployed Axelor 8.0.4 using the .war file in Gitub. I got it all working within minutes and everything works fine. No weird errors popping up.

But I am missing some stuff like the BOM Import Tool they introduced and sure enough, my modules are still stuck in their 7.2.7 versions. The structure is exactly the same as 7.2.7 just the web interface was updated properly it seems. I’ve checked the meta_module table and change the versions to the proper ones. I even redeployed after making those changes but as expected, it wasnt that. I delete the entire ROOT folder before I even redeploy on it. What is it referencing?

Any ideas would be appreciated!

Nevermind, I found out that I need to go to Administration/View Management/All Views and then click on restore all. I’m assuming that refreshes all the views and stuff. Hopefully this will help someone in a similar problem

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