Apps: install / uninstall is there the good term?

Dear Axelor Team,

If i’m not wrong the only difference between an installed and an uninstalled app is the “active” flag.
In any view/menu/etc it’s possible to check this flag by‘myapp’) and thus to decide to display menu, panel, to make field required or not, etc.

From my point of view, the good term will be “activate/deactivate” and not “install/uninstall” because, whatever its state, all its content (view, menu, import, etc) is created inside the system and available to use, just because contents are based on module (jar packaqe) and not on apps which is more a virtual entity.

What do you think about ?


1 « J'aime »


I understand your point. While « install/uninstall » and « activate/deactivate » are technically interchangeable, « install/uninstall » is indeed more commonly used and widely understood in the context of software deployment. It has become the standard terminology for the process of setting up and configuring software or modules.

Using « install » and « uninstall » as the preferred terms provides clarity and aligns with the commonly accepted language used in the software development community. However, it is ultimately a matter of preference and the specific conventions followed within your organization or development environment.

Best regards,