Assign customer to project

Hi there, I’ve been looking around for a while and I cant seem to find the option to attach a customer to a project.

Using the demo data, there is a customer attached to 123Service Project.

Upon checking the project itself, I cant find a field where I can change/assign a customer to the project

Is the assigning of the customer to a project done in a different view like when you assign an employee to a user? I’ve checked the customer card of 123 services under the activities tab and I didn’t find any association of the customer to the project

To summarize, how do I add a customer to a project?

Just select « Business project » left panes Characteristics.

1 « J'aime »

Oh, thank you so much. I apparently overlooked it when I tried the business project setting.

1 « J'aime »

You’re welcome @kurikaktus!

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