Axelor adk 5.0 installation

I have just cloned the new ADK 5.0 , and ran

gradlew -x test clean build

it tells everyting is find build successful , however there is no axelor binary to run as in previous 4x versions.

axelor --new appname etc. (I can´t execute this command the axelor is not present anywhere)

This axelor utility doesn´t seem to be built. It is discontinued and only work now for abs-webapp ?, how do we create new applications in ADK 5.x version ?



On which platform are u working (win/linux) ?



java version "1.8.0_162,
Mac OS High Sierra 10.13.4
Gradle 4.5.1

I noticed that this version don’t have the installApp among its Gradle task list. so I ran ./gradlew clean build -x test to build and skip test (since test task is failing at some point). But the axelor shell utility is not being created nowhere.



I’m not familiar with the MacOS platform but I can confirm that “axelor” script is not generated by gradle on Win & Linux, only jar of packages. Moreover, now to create the war for the business suite in the V5 the ADK is no longer required.

A lots of modifications has been made between V4 and V5 and it seems that to create a new app/module you need to use only gradle instead of the shell. So I think that they decided to discontinue the shell which is in fact no more necessary. The call of axelor script is also no longer described in the doc


You are 100% right. There is no such mention in the Axelor Documentation. This eliminates completely the local libraries as they are updated from axelor nexus repo. Thanks a lot for your help.


In my case, I have translated to spanish and included in the tooling the following two files:


This is the only reason I had to reference axelor tooling libraries in a local repo, so the following commands build the libraries and publish them into my HOME/.m2 directory

gradle build -x test
gradle publishToMavenLocal

Subsequent builds of applications using axelor 5.x usually will have the build.gradle as follows:

ext.repos = {
maven { url ‘’ }
maven { url ‘’ }

If you see the order dictates that after going to mavenCentral it will search for dependencies locally which already are there, so my spanish translation was coming out.

I don’t have much experience with gradle or maven so I had to make a research to come out with this scenario, which I think it might help other programmers in need for other language translation in the tooling

Yes, you are totally right @femtonext. With v5 there is no more axelor shell and ADK artifacts are now published on nexus repositories. So it’s no longer required to download/clone ADK sources in order to create Axelor apps.

To create a new application, instead of the command axelor --new appname available in v4, you can fork abs-webapp git repository and adjust it with your settings.
