Axelor Mobile

Will like to ask whether the HR module is enabled in the AOS Mobile version.
It is is stated as not yet done. GitHub - axelor/axelor-mobile: Improve your productivity with the Axelor Mobile apps

If so, may I ask when this is likely to be done?


It s already in the mobile version .

Hi @bDurtaut ,
I am quite lost in setting up this with android studio on a windows.

  1. Downloaded Android studio
  2. Clone the Axelor-mobile

Don’t know how to set it up next, like getting to that beautiful picture you have.
Any advises?

I have just install this mobile application , with play store

Nice, how do we login with our online Axelor system?

In the app, there is

  1. A session field. Should we fill it up with something?
  2. In the url, I type in my self-hosted axelor system url.
  3. User : I do a non-admin role

I have a 404 reply. Please advise.


Install the mobile module so

Hi @bDurtaut
Thanks I have installed axelor mobile on my erp.

So a query

  1. Do I need to give my session a name?
  2. How do I check the log to see connection issues for the mobile app?


  1. Yes
    2 . You have tracebacks on the app mobile configuration