Besoin Fichier HTML import année

Je souhaite importer les années dans axelor et je voudrai avoir le fichier de paramétrage html pour l’import.

Merci d’avance

I guess you talking about XML config, see from demo file, sample CSV is under en or fr folder

1 « J'aime »

Thank for the anser
But can you send it to me as a file

this is file link man, you can download or open in browser

Thanks , this file is in source but when i compile and deploy axelor , on the tomcat env no such files , what s happen when i click the Import Demo data. I hope to change demo files with my data and click this button but i suppose doesnt work .
The correct way is to get this files ( on axelor sources ) and modify , and import with good config xml file and a zip with data files ( csv ) ?

But the import demo data was ok , on a server with no access to the web , dont understand where the files are on the tomcat app