Change the INBOX and SENT directory

Hey all,

I’m a new Axelor user

I’m working on the package solution on MacOs (Axelor 5.3.3)

I’ve put the right parameter in the mail configuration section
→ I can receive and send Email

I’d like to change the directory of the email

For example, today, the standard IN mail directory is « INBOX »
I’d like to change it with a « personnal » directory like « INBOX/AxelorIN »
After reading the « INBOX/AxelorIN » mails, I’d like Axelor put them in an other directory repertory like « INBOX/Work »
It should work with read an un read mails

concerning the sent emails, I’d like to verify the standard configuration.
Actually, I don’t see them in the « Sent » directory (webmail and outlook). May be, the « sent » directory is not the same…

Process 1
Mail Reception (« INBOX » directory)
I read the mail and put it in a personal directory (« INBOX/AxelorIN »)
Axelor read the « INBOX/AxelorIN » mails and create the events
Axelor put the read mails in « INBOX/Work »

Process 2
I send an email via Outlook or my Webmail to Customer1
The mail is in « SENT » directory
Axelor read the « SENT » mails and create the events

Process 3
I send an email via Axelor to Customer1
The mail is in « SENT » directory
I can see the sent mail in « SENT » via Outlook or my webmail

NB: I’v tried to change the mail configuration view to insert « ImportOrigin »… without succes :sweat_smile:

Thank you for your help