Change tracking number to serial number

Hello, I would just like to change the text of the Tracking number label to Serial number.
(Tracking number = « N° Suivi »)

Should I override all form and grid views? where can I go directly through the translation system? i18n.

I tried to put the: messages_fr.csv
« Tracking number, »« N° série »","
and make a: gradlew i18n

it does not change anything.

You need to reload views from administration after editing i18n csv file

The problem is that I did it but it didn’t work. (I specify that it is an already existing bdd in case)

when I change it here it works… so I would like to be able to do it in the backend so that the modification is saved when restoring the views…

my content in file « messages_fr.csv » :

"Tracking Numbers,""N° Série"",,"
"TrackingNumber,""N° Série"",,"

Maybe different Module use this name so it overide your modification by the csv file

ok but why does it work when i change it via HMI… i just say the same thing in the CSV file. I can’t find anything in the translations as the CSV modifications were not taken into account.

If you just want to change the label of any field.
Go to App builder → Studio

select view → your model → view name

and click on the field you want to change and update the label.

I have the same problem but it can’t be changed with the studio.

I need to change the french translation to be in English because the export in the grid view uses the language of my internet browser (french) and not the one from my user (english).

I changed the files message_fr.csv of my own module and used gradlew i18n but it doesn’t seem to be working.
As Linuxien said, it’s working when I manually change the translation on the All translation menu but I want it to be persistent and stay after restoring the views.

How to do it the right way ?

Sorry for the response time, but the solution is to add the « title » parameter to the fields concerned and to define them in the message_fr.csv, to use gradlew i18n so that it is taken into account persistently even after restoring views

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