Change view in Bills of Material


I have a question about how to change the view in the Bill of Materials tab. Here is what I currently see:
Forum question- how change column width

The two orange highlights indicate the views I’d like to modify. I’d like to make the Product column wider, and I’d like to make the Qty column numbers show 5 digits after the decimal, instead of just 2.

I’ve looked at the View, but I am not a developer, and I don’t know where/how to change the code to reflect these needs.

Thank you for any help you can offer!

Take care


In my context, I start with a similar case:Contexte_depart

Of course, you must have the Admin role to perform the following operations.

  1. Change the production configurationModifier_config

Change the number of decimal places in Components from 2 to 5Modifier_valeur

Even if you are not a developer, one of the interests of Axelor is that you can change a view directly in production.

  1. Modify the bill-of-material-line-grid viewModifier_vue

To manage the dimension of your field with « width » in the example I added width = « 350 » to the <field name = « product » width = « 350 » … field.
To manage the 5 characters in the list, I changed the value of x-scale from 2 to 5

Save, then refresh this view only icone_refresh

and then test.

Warning :
This change will persist as long as the production application version is not changed.
In the case of a new version of the software released in production, the current modification will be lost.
To integrate this modification in the next release, a developer must integrate it into the vue xml file of the application sources.

It should be correct as below:Modifier_valeur_test
Best Regards,

Thank you so much, PakMax! Your explanation was clear and concise…and greatly appreciated.