Compiling development version


Which branch should be used to compile the future v5?
There are dev & wip, I cannot figure out which one is -next
Also there seem to be an unresolvable dependency over apache-jdbm which lies around in gradle file



Dev branch is for 4.1.x.

Wip is for 5.0 beta.


Thanks for those guidelines (this could be in to avoid questions :slight_smile:)

What about DB schema modifications during development, are they automagically applied?

I checked out wip last friday but enabling accounting module was causing constraint violations, should I report them or is this expected as it is a development version?



it depends on the strategy defined.

we can configure hibernate in update, in this case the database schema is updated with a limit.

If you imagine that in base you are a table (object) with several records, and we add a required field.
If it creates the constraint, there will be records that will not respect it.

Because there will be no value on the records initially present, in this case it is necessary to apply SQL script.

For enabling accounting module I will ask, must be temporary.


Yes I saw afterwards that hibernate defaults in “update” mode which is perfect

However, I can get Menu to be updated once initially created, any change to the xml file isn’t applied to database, is there some process to force server to reload XML files?


Yes, you can use menu Administration -> View management -> All views. Click the toolbar button ‘Restore all’, it will restore all xml files.

Yes I finally found it and forgot to update the topic :slight_smile:
That’s sad that we cannot have a “per module” cleanup to speed up tests (even if you can edit a single view to simulate update).

Thanks for answer anyway