Convert user into Employee

Hi All,
Based on the demo data, willl like to find out how to convert user into employee.
I have setup the the contact, the employee and the user.
Now there is no link between the user <-> employee, and user <-> partner with the import.

Which script and demo data should I look into?


1 « J'aime »

are you not getting options to create partner in users detail page

1 « J'aime »

I have contact, employee and user of the same person inside database already. Just can’t seem to link these 3 up via the import script.
And not using the manual ways as have 200 hundreds user / employee to do. Thanks.

1 « J'aime »

@siddique Have figured it out.
Need to use the user_auth.csv file under human resource folder.
That file have the partner.importID and employee.importID field.

Then the xml will need to have update=« true »

This should be the last step, after all partner, user and employee data is in.


1 « J'aime »

open source solutions have this beauty

1 « J'aime »

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