Creating New Users - can't see menu

Hello all,

I am completely new to the Axelor system. My former colleague got it installed and running, and now it is my task to enter data and learn how the apps work. The only data we have entered in the system is product data; no HR data yet. I now need to create new users and give them access to the various apps. I began by using the Administration/User Management/Users application and created two users. The problem is when I try to do a test and login as one of the new users, the Axelor frame that shows all of the apps is blank. Just a black rectangle. Does anyone know how I can give new users the ability to see the app menu?

Thank you so much,


Hello , you have to add role or permissions ( or both ) to user .

1 « J'aime »

Thank you! I had given Permissions, but not created Roles. So the Roles allow you to see the sidebar menus and take action on the data. Got it :slightly_smiling_face: