Creation of a module in AOS v7.2

I’m having trouble transitioning from AOS 6.5 to 7.2.
I want to create a custom module.
So I followed the tutorial on Axelor technical doc
I built my app, compiled in Eclipse and then It created the following folders in my project:

  • .settings
  • bin
  • build
    along with the files
  • .classpath
  • .project

After that, I added a folder /src/main/resources/apps, where i put a .yml file for my module as follows:

typeSelect: customModules
installOrder: 2150
description: |
image: my_module_img.png

sequence: 100

Still in /apps , i added an img folder where I put my image
It created the corresponding database line for meta_module, as it should.
But if I start my application and go to apps management, my module doesn’t show up. I assume it’s because the model is a app_studio, not a meta_module, but I don’t really understand how to convert it. So my question is how can I make my module appear in the apps management view ?

Apparently I did it correctly, It was just a build problem, because now it appears after rebuilding for the third time

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