Creation of Chart of accounts via file upload

Hi! I’m new to Axelor so starting out trying to create a chart of accounts. I saw on another post a link to

That site contained a file account_account.csv said to be from the demo system.

I reviewed that file and confirmed it had entries for numerous COA accounts with field values that resonated with the manual entry windows I had seen previously.

I navigated to Application Configuration\Users\Companies\Companies and selected Account Config. It brought up a window like the one below (except that the chart imported flag was off)

Envoi en cours : Screenshot 2023-08-01 152329.jpg…

I uploaded the file and Axelor provided a confirmation that the file had been uploaded successfully.

However, when I viewed the COA, several fields seemed to have been omitted including the company and the parent account (the latter was definitely included in the csv file.

I’m now seeing on another post form siddique-ahmad « For import process we will be requiring two files, one config.xml / binding file and other data.csv, file names are not important here. xml file will contain information regarding structure of our data, and csv is container for that data. » However, my recollection was that Axelor only allowed one file to be uploaded and it provided no messages around the xml file I didn’t have.

Is there a way to undo the upload? I tried a mass delete of all the newly added accounts and I got an error message saying it could not do this because the company value was missing.

Other than manually amending the 1024 accounts that were created to add the missing details is there something else that can be done???

Any ideas please.

I’ve been able to resolve this with our technical staff. So please treat this posted question as being closed.

Thanks to anyone who took time to read.

1 « J'aime »


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