Custom fields

Hi All,
Does Anybody know about option to save custom fields and tables, created on Axelor UI side, in to seperate statistic tables and fields in DB instead of one table meta_fson_field and meta_json_model. Why needed? Because when we started to load a big number of data in custom models, it begins slowdown, in other words it affects performance what is not good.
i wonder if there is an option already taken cared of this and we don’t know this option.
Would be appreciated for advise on this.


Do you want some custom fields in existing database table? or want to create new table?

Anyways don’t worry, there is provision for both cases.

If you want to Add new columns for example i am adding 2 new columns with name of « occupation » and « fatherName » to existing Partner table, use following code.

Create a new file in modules

If you want to create a new table, then follow the same path, just put the name of your table « TableName » in the « entity » and save the file with your « TableName.xml »

e.g I am adding « Departments » table to existing database as

Hello , is this xml going to make it add new tables to the database?and if we not need some columns, does it also delete tables or columns ? or is it just being used to add new records.

Hi Malikfaisalawan,
i understand it, thanks for good details.
Can we run it on user interface by event call when user creates new xml view-model? and it should create new tables instead adding record in meta_json_field. is it possible?