Customer Purchase Order

Hi All,
I have a condition in where, after i issue a sales quotation to customer, the customer will issue back purchase order to indicate that they are agree to purchase.
My question is how can i link/attached this purchase order with the sales quotation?

Thank you


do you want attach a file to a document ?

last line in dropdown : « charger fichiers » mean « add a file »

Other perspective :
user interface could be a good thing if your customer make the order by himself, and agreed of conditions

(sorry, my english is bad)

Have a good day

Thanks for reply.
May i know how can i link the uploaded file to the sales quotation that we issue to customer

Thank You

  1. Sales
  2. Sale quotations
  3. Selecte a sale quotation already complet
  4. click on ico « attachments » (top right icon1 : « add », icon2 : edit, icon3 : « return », icon4 : "attachments)
  5. the pop-up of attachments is open
  6. click just after « New », the dropdown give you the 4 options
  7. select « file upload »
  8. select your document
  9. now the documents is link/add to the sale quotation

This is what you want ?