Deploying Axelor ERP issue

Hello All!

I wanted to deploy Axelor ERP system in Ubuntu server. So, I followed the exact steps HERE, without facing any issue. but when I reached to the final step which is running tomcat server, it didn’t shows any error message but it seems the server is not running because the Axelor ERP is not running in the website. I would be very glad if someone could help :blush:.

Hello @Buthainaz7
I successfully deployed the application in Ubutnu server.
What kind of issue are you facing ? Could you be more precise?


Hello @fabiobottan

Thank you for your quick response.
A quick update, I typed ./ in ubuntu command and it opens the Apache tomcat page as in the attached image.
But unfortunately it didn’t open Axelor ERP login page even though I followed the steps in the documentation.

Did you deploy your application as ROOT.war ?
And restarted Tomcat?

Deplay as axelor.war , and access on htpp:ip_adress:8080\axelor

if you have java 8 and installed tomcat in /opt/tomcat

 service tomcat stop

 git clone
 sed -e 's|||' -i open-suite-webapp/.gitmodules # required if not authenticated with github 
 cd open-suite-webapp
 git checkout v6.0.6
 git submodule init
 git submodule update
 git submodule foreach git checkout v6.0.6
 git submodule foreach git pull origin v6.0.6

#setup db settings in src/main/resources/ 
nano src/main/resources/ 

./gradlew war

cp build/libs/axelor-erp-6.0.6.war /opt/tomcat/webapps/ROOT.war

service tomcat restart

Hello All,

I apologize for replying late but good news I fixed my problem by deploying axelor.war as
@bDurtaut mentioned.

Thank you all for helping me :pray: :heart:!