Error after update to v6.3.1

Hi, guys
Maybe someone met this problem:
I’ve updated my Axelor to v6.3.1 and after that, when I want to create Purchase Quotation, an error occurs:
new error 6.3.1
Also I can’t:

  1. Add any product to the Purchase Quotation line
  2. Select company to Sale quotation
  3. Select currency when I create new customer
    How to fix it? Or this is my local problem?


Depending on your previous version, in case of a major release, you need to play some sql script to adapt your current database to the new domains format.


My previous version was 6.2.7, do I need to play this sql script? And where/how can I find/create it?)

To create your sql script you must compare the two versions of database , for all tables

1 « J'aime »

The scripts are available for our clients only, if you want to create your own script you have to follow bDurtaut’s method.