Full screen view?

Hi axelor team,
Thanks for such a greate platform :grinning:
Is there any way to show some html page or action-view, with view parameters, we can open the view in fullscreen model.
such as:


with full screen model, we can open it in a new page, without menu or axelor head logo’s


Yes Dear,
we can change the Logo.
we can expand our screen to full size.

  1. to change the logo
    Open your project
    and go to the below path :

src → main → webapp → img

here you will find axelor.png ( you can delete this image and add your image with the same name )

  1. insert your image in the following path src → main → webapp → img with any name and go to
    src → main → resources →
    and open
    and search : application.logo
    application.logo = img/axelor.png
    change axelor.png with your image name.

  2. add a company in axelor and use a logo with it axelor logo will automatically gone.

I hope you will understand !

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