German translation

Hi! I am pleasantly impressed by the Axelor.
I have some questions about inserting translation into German:

  • I imported the MetaTranslation file
  • I translated from English to German
    first problem:
  • the “Language” field with - fr - what to do with it?
  • reading Beuss’s post:
    You have the same message*.csv for each modules, you’ll have to copy each messages.csv to messages_es.csv and translate here
    Then you’ll have to edit the axelor-core/src/main/resources/views/User.xml to modify the select.language selection and add

I can not find the file user.xml.



To create a translation in DE you just have to add a file named “messages_de.csv” with the EN value as Key and the message as DE value:

  1. merge all messages_en.csv (from all ADK/ABS) inside a unique file inside the src/main/ressources/i18n folder of your self module
  2. replace the message column by your German translation
  3. edit the user language selection "axelor-development-kit/axelor-core/src/main/ressources/views/User.xml and add a new option <option value="de">German</option>
  4. import the file manually or using your self module.


Super! Many thanks!