Is there any update on dependencies in com.axelor:axelor-core:5.2.6 ? I didn’t change anything in my gradle files but now almost all gradlew commande didn’t work
What went wrong:
Could not determine the dependencies of task ‹ :generateCode ›.
Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ‹ :compile ›.
Could not resolve org.milyn:flute:1.3.
Required by:
project : > com.axelor:axelor-core:5.2.6 > org.eclipse.birt.runtime:org.eclipse.birt.runtime:4.4.2
Could not resolve org.milyn:flute:1.3.
inconsistent module metadata found. Descriptor: milyn:flute:1.3 Errors: bad group: expected=‹ org.milyn › found=‹ milyn ›
Could not resolve org.milyn:flute:1.3.
inconsistent module metadata found. Descriptor: milyn:flute:1.3 Errors: bad group: expected=‹ org.milyn › found=‹ milyn ›
Could not resolve org.milyn:flute:1.3.
inconsistent module metadata found. Descriptor: milyn:flute:1.3 Errors: bad group: expected=‹ org.milyn › found=‹ milyn ›
I’m a beginner with gradle, is Flute dependencies realy necessary, how can i exclude it or how can i edit the pom generate by gradle to make the group descriptor ‹ org.milyn › to become ‹ milyn › ?
buildscript {
ext.repos = {
maven {
// org/milyn/flute/1.3/flute-1.3.jar
// need artifact only because of wrong pom metadata in maven central
// Required by: plugins:birt > org.eclipse.birt.runtime:viewservlets:4.5.0 > org.eclipse.birt.runtime:org.eclipse.birt.runtime:4.4.1
// TODO Maybe this will no longer needed wheh upgrading viewservlets to 4.9.0
url ""
metadataSources {
maven { url '' }
ext.openPlatformVersion = '5.2.6'
ext.openSuiteVersion = '5.2.6'
ext.appVersion = '5.2.6'
repositories repos
dependencies {
classpath "com.axelor:axelor-gradle:${openPlatformVersion}"
task wrapper(type: Wrapper) { gradleVersion = "4.5.1" }
metadataSources {artifact()} => this is the fix
gradleVersion = « 4.5.1 » => needed to use metadataSources
This fix the wrong group metadata, I don’t know why this is only happening now when I’ve been using this for 4 years and the problem has been there for a very long time too.