Hide dashlet if no records found

Is there any quick configuration to hide a dashlet if no record found?


not sure about dashlet, but panel can be hidden

I need to show a dashlet with a chart inside.
If chart has no data, I would like to hide the whole dashlet.

 <panel-dashlet name="totalExtraHoursByCategory" title="Total Extra Hours per category"
							   action="action-payroll-view-total-extra-hours-per-category" colSpan="12"/>
> <action-view name="action-payroll-view-total-extra-hours-per-category" title="Total Extra Hours per category">
> 		<view name="chart.total.extra.hours.per.category" type="chart"/>
> 		<context name="payroll_id" expr="eval: __self__.id"/>
> 	</action-view>

why not use one panel show hide based on data size

Do you have an example?