How do l add a column to any table in database it does not work

The question has already been asked, but it doesn’t work for me
I want to add two fields to the production_production_order table, start date and end date


  1. Extend the productionOrder domain by adding your two new fields
  2. Stop Tomcat server
  3. Rebuild the application
  4. Redeliver the application in Tomcat webapps
  5. Start Tomcat server
    … The hibernate ORM should automatically create these two columns in the production_production_order table …



If they are required field , please provide default value to auto generate the column in table. Or it won’t create them by default so you can manually write query to update the table schema.

Thank you.

1 « J'aime »

Thank you, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t, I have performed that procedure and after a while it worked, now I am adding another field to the model and it does not want to take it, I have restarted the server, rebuilt the app and it does not work


When I make significant changes in the application: new domains, new services, etc., I do the following:
1. Delete the build directory (and possibly bin) under the application directory.
Significant changes in the application
