How does a view receive data?

How does a view receive data?


Views are generally mapped to some domain object.

The view definition is minimal and you only have to define layout of fields. The fields defined in the view binds to the object fields. The object views do automatically CRUD operations.

The views however requires actions to do something useful other than just CRUD operations. The actions are also defined using xml and can be used to change views, objects, call controllers or doing some specific tasks like sending email, importing remote data, etc.

The Actions defines actions to interact with services from views : controllers provides glue layer between views and services.


1 « J'aime »

[quote=« PakMax, post:2, topic:6503, full:true »]

Views are generally mapped to some domain object.

The view definition is minimal and you only have to define layout of fields. The fields defined in the view binds to the object fields. The object views do automatically CRUD operations.

The views however requires actions to do something useful other than just CRUD operations. The actions are also defined using xml and can be used to change views, objects, call controllers or doing some specific tasks like sending email, importing remote data, etc.

The Actions defines actions to interact with services from views : controllers provides glue layer between views and services.


Hello, Can you help me with something?

Pakmax just did it it seems to me