How to begin?

I am evaluating open source ERP solutions and Axelor is a compelling option. I have looked through the demo provided by Axelor and also the docker version (both with and without sample data).

While I am able to explore each feature and experiment with the sample data, it is unclear how to begin from nothing. As many others have pointed out, the documentation is either out of date or non-existent. No documentation for version 7 appears to exist at all. To be clear, I am referring to the « functional » documentation, not the « technical » documentation.

Are there any other resources for using this software? Have you all figured it out through trial and error, or by reading through large portions of the source code? Is it expected that I purchase support in order to gain a basic understanding of how the application works?

With the documentation as it is, I just don’t understand how this could ever be effectively used in a business environment… I would love to be proven wrong though. I really do like the look and feel of Axelor.

Welcome to the Axelor forum,

We cannot say that the AOS 7.0 version is non-existent, since the current functional documentation is the AOS 6.5 version and the 7.0 version is only a technical migration from AOS 6.5: the functional evolutions of the new version will appear in AOS version 7.1

« … Have you all figured it out through trial and error, or by reading through large portions of the source code? … »
This is a possibility, especially if you want to extend the functionality of the Axelor application

" … Is it expected that I purchase support in order to gain a basic understanding of how the application works? …"
This allows you to go faster of course: webinars organized by Axelor frequently exist or paid functional training which in one week will allow you to understand the organization of the ERP modules; know how to set up the ERP for the expected result; manage its complete sales cycle (Sales, Supplies, Stocks); invoicing, payments and monitoring of Auxiliary accounting.


1 « J'aime »

@PakMax Thank you for your informative response!

Ah! Thank you, that was not clear to me. Is there a way to differentiate between technical and functional updates?

I have seen these on Youtube. I have watched a few of the English ones and they are helpful but I have not found one that starts from the beginning. Are there more of these, or is the collection on Youtube complete? I completely understand that most are in French since the project is based in France, but of course, only the English versions are useful to me.

I am certainly willing to pay for a consultation like this if the price is manageable. Is this exclusive to Enterprise Starter/Pro customers or are they willing to assist with a « self-hosted » community instance? I have not received pricing/details yet, so I am not sure which we will choose. We are capable of hosting the community version though.

A few additional questions I have after exploring the software:

  1. Without the demo data, I see that some basic data is not populated (countries and citizenship for instance). Is that data also unpopulated in the paid Enterprise versions?

  2. In the demo data, under Application Config > Organization > Territories > Countries, USA is listed as having a « Calling code » of 372. Is this different than the calling code for phone numbers? The US phone number prefix is +1. I don’t know any other meaning of « Calling code ». Also, what is a « COG » number?

  3. When I create a partner, I see options for prospect, employee, customer, etc. I understand that « partner » is a top-level abstraction for all of these types. However, when I create one, the record indicates that a « subcontractor » type is possible. We utilize subcontractors heavily so I am interested in how they are incorporated into Axelor.

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