How to create a "customer account"


Am new to Axelor. Trial running it to see if it is the system for our company. Not easy to learn, esp. since the documentation is quite minimal. :innocent:

Anyway, I am writing an invoice. When clicking « Validate » I get this message: « Warning ! : You must configure a customer account for the company *** ».

I’ve tried many things, but cannot figure out how to do that. I have gone to my company and clicked on « Account config » to the right. There I see « Customer account. » The search brings up the « Accounts » overview, but it is empty. How do I add an account there?

I am also not an accountant. I guess that might be an issue. Can anyone help me with this, please?

Thank you in advance for your support.

.: Charly :.

see this page Captura%20de%20pantalla%20de%202019-07-29%2018-04-39


Thank you for your reply.

Unfortunately you told me something I already said doesn’t work (or I do not understand). To quote myself:

I have gone to my company and clicked on “Account config” to the right. There I see “Customer account.” The search brings up the “Accounts” overview, but it is empty. How do I add an account there?

To explain. I am exactly where you told me to go (« Account configuration »). I cannot post more than one image to prove it.

If I click on the magnifying glass next to « Customer account » I get this:

It is empty. Thus the question: how do I add a customer account? By extension, what do I need it for?

Hope this clarifies my request.

Thank you for your help.

if you have not left the axelor, i can help in it’s setup