How to properly display a transiant field in grid view?

When I try to put a transiant column in a grid, an axeption is raised.
What am I doing wrong, what’s the propoer way to do so ?
Below are the XML file that for a simple test case that reproduces the error :
Model :

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<entity name="ent1" cachable="true">
  <string       name="name"       title="Nom"       required="true" unique="true"/>
  <integer      name="calc"   title="Calculé" transient="true"><![CDATA[
    return 7;
View : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> Exception dump :

2016-12-22 15:27:53,897 [http-bio-8080-exec-2] DEBUG com.axelor.rpc.Resource - JPQL: SELECT new List(, self.version,, self.calc) FROM ent1 self WHERE (self.archived is null OR self.archived = false) ORDER BY
2016-12-22 15:27:53,988 [http-bio-8080-exec-2] ERROR com.axelor.rpc.Resource - Error: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: org.hibernate.QueryException: could not resolve property: calc of: xar.xarerp.db.ent1 [SELECT new List(, self.version,, self.calc) FROM xar.xarerp.db.ent1 self WHERE (self.archived is null OR self.archived = false) ORDER BY]
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: org.hibernate.QueryException: could not resolve property: calc of: xar.xarerp.db.ent1 [SELECT new List(, self.version,, self.calc) FROM xar.xarerp.db.ent1 self WHERE (self.archived is null OR self.archived = false) ORDER BY]

Transiant fields are not supported in grid view. Grid view only reflect records values saved in database as it internaly used a selector query. For some performance reason, it fetch in database only displayed fields.
We added a fix to skip transiant field from being queried.

Thank you for this answer.
Actually, I need to display some calculated fields in grids (for a dashlet). There values are written in Java and are time related.
If I can’t use transiant fields, witch method can I use so I can request a recalculation of these fields by a scheduler on a daily or hourly basis ?