Install Axelor via Docker on Plesk

So after attempting to install from source and running into too many conflicting errors with Plesk, I believe the best solution would be to install with Docker via Plesk. I have installed the image but I don’t know how to access it? I have tried connecting to the ports with no luck (they have been opened on my firewall)…

Does anyone have experience with this method and could share? I am on the latest version of Plesk 18.0.26

You are right! I have run into similar problem and finally I got it working with Docker via Plesk. I have uploaded the image via Docker Image Catalog. Once it is uploaded, you run it localy. This will take you to the image setting.

Container name : enter any name
Tick “Automatic start after system reboot”
untick “Automatic port mapping” and enter the port 443 > 32771, 5432>32772, 80>81, 8080>8081
Volume mapping will be populated by default
Environment variables leave as is
Click Ok
Once the image is deployed you will see the log that it is running

Go to Domains in Plesk and choose the domain you want to access the application
Click on Docker Proxy Rules then Add Rule
Choose the Container Name
Choose port 80->81
Clcik Ok
Go to the domain website and you should get the login screen.
For more information check this link

1 « J'aime »

Thanks! This is very helpful and a step in the right direction, I am still getting the welcome page on the domain rather then Axelor… I have opened port 81, im not sure what else to do at this point

I think it may have something to do with Nginx/ports… I’ll let you know if I figure anything out :slight_smile:

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