Interrupt save action

Is there any way to prevent save action to complete except from using action-valid? It seems that any exception thrown in an action-method, even if returned through response.error (using TraceBackService) is ignored and entity is saved anyway.

Is ‘save’ action there after ‘action-method’ ?. If yes, remove it and directly save the record in action-method. Use response.setReload to reload the record.

In fact, it seems that exception in controller defaults to a flash if simply traced: adding the error responseType does the trick

Hi @beuss,

Could u please just give more explanation. To avoid save when form has “onSave=myaction, save” what do we need to do in the controller: response.setError(error) or TraceBackService.trace(); I guess the first one but I just want to be shure :slight_smile:

Thanks in advance

If you don’t trace the error then response.setError will do it, otherwise, you can add a ResponseMessageType.ERROR to the TraceBack.trace call who will take care of calling setError and will log the error.

Great, thank you.