Invoice sending


We try to start using Axelor in our company and spend quite a lot of time to understand of Invoice functionallity. Main question now is how to send invoice (pdf) to the customer?
In the functional documentation ( is only one mention “You can also indicate a contact at the customer to whom the invoice will be sent.”, but we still at a loss how to send email with attached pdf.

you must create a message in application config with a birt attach file.

Thank you @actiumsi! It work!

Hi @actiumsi !
Could you please show me an example of BIRT template for invoice? I’m looking for something similar for employment contract.


you have an example in axelor-account/src/main/resources/reports branche.

Annotation 2020-05-07 165558

i don’t use axelor for the management of employee contracts. I’m not sure there an exemple because this report is very specific. With the other examples, you can create your report template.

Hi @actiumsi
Thank you so much!

Solution for Axelor Open Suite :

3 parameters missing for not have this error when you want send the invoice with email : Required parameter ReportType is not set.

I find the solution with URL hide on :

So modify like this :

Have a nice day

1 « J'aime »

J’ai le même soucis avec les commandes fournisseurs, j’ai le message suivant: Required parameter PurchaseOrderLineQuery is not set.

Mais je ne sais pas quoi renseigner à l’intérieur…

Merci d’avance.