Is it possible to work axelor with jasper Report

Hello i’m working with axelor and i want to integrate jasper report in axelor in place of BIRT.

2 « J'aime »

I’m going to try,
Did you try Jasper with Axelor?


For you information, we have started a feature to allow user to use Birt or Jasper Report.

If you need it now, you can take a look on how we call a jasperReport.

Also, a community member has already use JasperReport with Axelor and converted some reports. Take a look on BIRT customizing report


1 « J'aime »

Cool great idea!

Dear Staff member,
Has the ability to use Jasper reports instead of BIRT reports been implemented for Axelor Open Suite version ≥ 6 ?
I am trying to merge the template-customization-wip branch of the rme-axelor axelor-open-suite repository into a local open-suite-webapp repository in order to build axelor-open-suite from source, but I am not quite sure how to do it with git submodule.
Any hints? :slight_smile: