Language selection missing

Version 5.00 WIP
in Company/Configurations/Printing Settings

Language selector is missing…is that normal ?

Ignore the field as it is not used anymore, the user language (or the Partner one when printing something related to a partner) is used.
Made a pull request to adjust the view:

1 « J'aime »

Pull request just got merged :slight_smile: you’ll not be annoyed anymore if you git pull :wink:

great job then !! But I will wait a little as I just installed everything and just started to customize for our real use…so I will wait a few days before to recompile, unless there is a very big and important correction to get ! But thanks to you to have open the issue on github ! Axelor can be happy to have you on board !:slight_smile:
They wanted feedback, I will give them as soon as I see something wrong , that’s the minimum I can do to thanks them for the moment !

You see they take care of your contribution !! :grin:
that’s collaborative work !

Just pulled the changes and recompiled…but I can still see the field is there
Did I make a mistake ?
If I check the code manually in github (wip branch) I can see the same code in my directory…so code should be in the last version…strange… I believed the field was removed…

You have to go in views administration and hit the reload button in the toolbar.

I did it again this afternoon 2 times, checked all the code pulled, the changes are in the source code, but when I build and deploy the .war…the change is not applied.
Maybe I do something wrong…but even if I refresh, same result.
But if I remove the field from the view manually and refresh, then the field is not there.
I don’t know what is wrong…
I access the view from App Config/Users.Companies/Companies then select the company then Configuration (tab down of the screen) then change…


As I said, to get views refreshed when they’re updated, you’ve to go to the administration part of the application, then on the views grid you have a refresh button in the toolbar (not the one from the browser, the one from the grid) that will reload all views from war content. Otherwise, views do not get refreshed.


I have 2 options…but I think Refresh is to display the grid according to the selection…(I used it but nothing changed) so do you mean Restore all (option 2) that I didn’t try as the text seems obvious ?

It’s the one labelled “2” on your screenshot

ok, thank you.
I believe the « Restore All » option does not care about my ONE only selected line…
it takes a while and I got an error 500 Internal Server Error
but if I check the view is updated, the field is not there anymore…

Going to open a ticket about error 500…strange
Thanks @beuss even if you made a word « mismatch » ;o)

Do you know what happens if we changed manually another view…and then hit Restore All ? or I will try in the next days

ok…I did a test right now, I could not wait…see next post

I changed manually the view (adding the field that was removed by github)
then filtered views (letter a)
selected 1st row and hit Restore All
then checked printing-setting-form view
Source was changed with github last change…
that means… all the changes we made manually to customize views will be rewritten by axelor last changes…

The restore all button does not take care about the lines we selected, it seems to restore all the views…so it’s very “dangerous”

This could be a nightmare !! How can we save our changes so they will not be overwritten if we don’t want once we customized the view ?