Leave request issue

Hi Team,

Good Day!

  • I like to apply 3 days leave but it showing only 2 days please find the attachement. and it is calculate 2 days only.

  • leave days also calculated in working hours when I generate the timesheet report also attached that picture.


Thank you for your understanding.


Can you check daily planning for that specific employee ? If daily planning timing is not specified for those days it won’t include in days calculation.

Thank you.


Thanks for reply
I attached some picture for your reference.

right now I apply 3 days leave but it showing only 2 days


This seems good. And can you confirm there is no public holiday added on these 3 days ?

Thank you

Thanks for the reply

I attached public holiday picture.

Thank you


Now issue is fixed but I can apply the leave request like 29th Jan will apply but once it is validated after see the report that leave takened by 28th Jan.