Multiple panel-related same field error


I am trying to place two many-to-many panel-related in a form that reference the same target domain (Partner) with different filters. Essentially I want to be able to select Customers and Suppliers. I use the following xml:

        <panel-related name="customerPartner" field="$customerPartner" title="Customer" type="many-to-many" x-target="com.axelor.apps.base.db.Partner" domain="self.isCustomer = true" colSpan="12" canNew="false" canEdit="false">
            <field name="name"/>
        <panel-related name="supplierPartner" field="$supplierPartner" title="Supplier" type="many-to-many" x-target="com.axelor.apps.base.db.Partner" domain="self.isSupplier = true" colSpan="12" canNew="false" canEdit="false">
            <field name="name"/>

The above code fails to display the 2nd panel-related properly. The issue appears to be that both display the same field from the target. If I change the 2nd <field name="name"/> to <field name="fullName"/> everything works as expected (only I get fullName in the second panel which I don’t want).

Using axelor-open-suite 6.0.7, axelor-open-platform 5.3.8.

Issue is fixed in axelor-open-suite 6.1.0 . Please check on axelor-open-suite 6.1.0 and later version.