New app mobile functionalities

Hello , i have download the new axelor mobile app .
When i open it , only Stock and Production functions …
It s normal , in the preferences of user mobile i have only others fucntionalities availables :



Nobody test this mobile application ?

I have installed it first step done

You have CRM functionalities ?


Indeed the configuration module present in the current versions does not allow to configure the different modules of the new application.

For the moment we have:

  • the old mobile application (on the stores) / the module the configuration of the mobile application is always present on the versions until v7

  • the new mobile application (on the playsstore in 6.4 at the moment so with only stock and prod) / the configuration module will be available from v7 (it is already available on the wip and can be used on versions 6.4 and 6.5) - for your information if nothing is configure or if the configuration module isn’t enable, there is no restrictions on the app

Please note that to use the mobile application you must have activated the aos.api.enable property

We are also working on a documentation on the configuration of this application.

1 « J'aime »

Thanks a lot , i just test the application . New version work ( with only stock and prod ) but the configuration is not stored ( close the app then open , the server parameters are not conserved …) .

" (it is already available on the wip …" the wip ?


The work in progess branch on github GitHub - axelor/axelor-open-suite at wip (warning it’s a unstable version)

We are working on connection session for the 7.0 version

2 « J'aime »