Office 365 - Shared Mailbox (IMAP)


I try to collect E-Mails via IMAP from a shared Office 365 mailbox. However the setup within Axelor fails with message “Incorrect login or password”. According to a lot of instructions the prodcedure is as follows:


Name: [SharedMailboxName], e.g.

Login: [UserWithRightsToAccessSharedMailbox]\[SharedMailboxName], e.g.\jobs

PW: [UserPW], e.g: Henry’s password

SSL, Port 993

The shared mailbox can be accessed with other clients or web applications so maybe Axelor does have a problem with the backslash within the Username? Collecting email in O365 with the normal user name does work in Axelor.

I really appreciate your help. Thanks!

Hi !

Did you change the file like in this doc ? :

Hi matthias!

As I understand this document shows how to enable the scheduler to fetch emails automatically. However I cannot connect to the specific Shared Mailbox at all , I don’t think it’s related to the scheduler.

Other IMAP accounts work without problems, it’s specific to the O365 Shared Mailbox (which works in other applications).

Has really no one else encountered that problem? O365 is the de facto standard for corporate email around here and shared mailboxes are a commonly used feature for addresses like info@, contact@ or support@.

Hello Nuendo

We are also facing the same issue, when using O365 login via IMAP using Axelor.
Getting message as ‹ Incorrect login or password ›

Did you sorted it out anyway??


It will be due to Outlook365 using oauth2 as part of the authentication. So after Axelor enters the password successfully, Outlook will prompt for oauth2 login check to get a token to use for access.
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