One to many (O2M) and Many To One (M2O) field reference entity class (FQN or just entity name) causing compilation error

I have a Program entity in a com.axelor.program.db package and a Contact entity in a package. I’m trying to create a one-to-many field on my own for my own understanding. This is the Contact entity from the quick tutorial.

In the Program entity, I’m trying to add :

and in the Contact entity I’m trying to add :

I get the following error :

error: package com.axelor.program.db does not exist
import com.axelor.program.db.Program;

When I try to put Contact and Program in the same module, and change the FQNs to just entity names, I get the following error:
error: cannot find symbol
private Program program;
symbol: class Program
location: class Contact

can you share gist

Here is a github with the minimal working example to reproduce my problem.

Sorry I didn’t see the xml tags were not shown in my first post.
What I meant was :

In the Program entity, I’m trying to add :
<one-to-many name=« business_provider » ref=« » mappedBy=« program »/>

and in the Contact entity I’m trying to add :
<many-to-one name=« program » ref=« com.axelor.program.db.Program »/>