Open an existing action from a controller

I have an existing action « my-action » defining a grid view and a form view

<action-view name="my-action" title="My action" model="">
	<view type="grid" name="my-grid"/>
	<view type="form" name="my-form"/>

From a controller, I can use


and the correct action is loaded, opening the grid view.

Given an object id, how could I proceed to open the form view for that object instead of the grid view ?


Specify the form view first in the listing of view in action-view.

<action-view name="my-action" title="My action" model="">
	<view type="form" name="my-form"/>
	<view type="grid" name="my-grid"/>

Thank you

Hello rch-axelor, thanks for your answer, it’s much appreciated !

In the controller, how would you specify the object id to be opened in that form, if even possible ?


Specify that id in action-view context with key _showRecord

<context name="_showRecord" expr="eval: recordId"/>

Thank you

Great, thank you

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