Open platfom add moduls

Hello, i install open platfrom wiith intellijda but its not have all modules, how i can add erp hr etc moduls on intellijda

you imported it as gradle project?

hello, yes… now ıts workıng on my wındows pc. but just open platform, wıthout erp, crm hretc moduls

You have installed open platform demo. Please check axelor open suite.

thanks for answers// but is it possible to update or something like this?

Both projects are different. So you need to start from scratch to install axelor-open-suite.

1 « J'aime »

Hello alican,
hope you are doing well.
you can install all the modules by going to

Application Cofiq → Apps Management

Apps management

Click on bulk install on the upper right side of the panel
Click on Select All

and click on Install

Now it will take some time and your all the module are installed.

Hope it will work for you !