Prevent refresh tab content with iframe when switching between them


I’m using custom type views to display iframes with external URLs inside axelor.
If I have multiple tabs open, for example one tab with my custom view and one native tab, when I switch between them and come back to my custom view, the iframe inside is always reloading so I loose all the actions user did inside.
How can I prevent this ?
Here is my example with my two tabs content :

<div class="view-content">
    <!-- ngRepeat: tab in navTabs --><div ui-show="tab.selected" ng-repeat="tab in navTabs" ng-class="tab.viewType" class="ng-scope custom ui-hide" style="opacity: 0; display: none;"></div><!-- end ngRepeat: tab in navTabs --><div ui-show="tab.selected" ng-repeat="tab in navTabs" ng-class="tab.viewType" class="ng-scope grid" style="opacity: 1;">...</div><!-- end ngRepeat: tab in navTabs -->

When I go in my second tab, Axelor is clearing my div with class=« custom » and adding class ui-hide.
When I come back, the div is fill but the iframe inside is reloading.
I tried to set keepAttached option on my custom view, it keeping my custom content with iframe well (Axelor is not clearing my div content anymore) but if I switch to other tab, I have now a blank view.
I don’t think its a good trick but I didn’t find anything better at this time.
I hope my description is understandable and someone can help me.
I precise I’m a newbie with Axelor and Angular.