Project Visibility only to members

I’d like to ask if there is an option to make projects and the tasks under the project to be only visible to the project members.

I would like to make my project managers to only see projects that they own and not the projects of other managers.

I’ve imported permissions from the base module and project module and using them as is.

With the default setup, users with the imported roles « Project User » and "Project Manager’ are able to see projects that they are not a member of.

Users with the imported role « Base User » are able to see all tasks in axelor through Teamwork>Tasks>All Tasks

I’d like to ask what would be the best way to limit the visibility of projects and tasks.

make new menu and use context to filter out

@kurikaktus you need to update the action from the menu’s view, line… For example, if you only want to see your projects, you need to add « and self.assignedTo =:user» at the end of line 6 before < /domain>


Thank you for the replies. I’ll take a look. I’m still feeling my way around axelor trying to understand more how it functions.

make new menu and use context to filter out

@kurikaktus you need to update the action from the menu’s view, line… For example, if you only want to see your projects, you need to add « and self.assignedTo =: user » at the end of line 6 before < /domain>

Thank you for the help. I was finally able to try it out.
Additional question (or do i need to make a new topic for this) What would be the context filter to filter out just being a « member » of the project instead of being the one assigned to it?

Also, where can I find a list of filters that I can use?

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