Set grid view and form view colSpan in widget="MasterDetail"

When I use the widget MasterDetail:
<field name="processList" widget="MasterDetail" form-view="process-form" grid-view="process-grid" colSpan="12"/>

the form-view always show belone the grid-view when we click the grid item. Can we add parameters, so we can adjust the colSpan on both grid side as also on form side.

I had to change the js code the adjust it. result show below:


Have you tried by creating an action-view?

The master-details view shows grid and form views side-by-side as single view.
It can be defined using action-view using a view parameter details-view . )

<action-view name="action.view.process.dv" model="..." title="...">
   <view name="process-grid" type="grid" />
   <view name="process-form" type="form" />
   <view-param name="details-view" value="true" />
