Timesheet editor

Hi All,

Creating timesheet line to edit project is not showing, That field is blank when timesheet editor was enable mode


If you’re encountering errors, it’s possible that they may be caused by minor bugs in the version you are using. To mitigate this issue, I recommend updating to the latest version of the software, preferably v6.5 or above.

Newer versions often include bug fixes and improvements, which can help resolve issues that were present in earlier versions.

If you continue to encounter the same errors even after updating to the latest version, please provide more specific details about the errors so that we can further assist you in troubleshooting and finding a solution.

If you have any further questions or need additional guidance, please let me know.

best regards,

Hi Sma-axes
I fix that issue and thanks for replaying

Hello @vicky1615

how did you add the task part ?

Hi Acoly
jest edit the timesheet editor view page