Сброс пароля пользователя

Как реализовать сброс пароля для пользователя чтобы отправить новый рандомно сгенерированный пароль на электронную почту пользователя?

Hello ,

From User form view, while changing the password (When boolean ‹ Change password? › = true), Enable ‹ Generate random password › as well as ‹ Send email upon password change › for specific user and save the changes.

Batch is also available if you want to generate random password for multiple users in single click using Base batches where action will be ‹ Password change › & password action will be ‹ Generate new random passwords ›. Can also select users/groups or can configure it for all the users. You can also schedule it if you want it to reset it after specific number of days.

It will send randomly generated password to user’s email. So make sure email is specified correctly and Default Email Account configured.

Thank you.
Best regards.

1 « J'aime »