Hello, thanks for responding
I didn’t understand the first option you recommended.
I tried the second one but it didn’t work perfectly.
When selecting the customer, the sales order is saved, the SaleOrderLine related panel is also enabled, with the context button I send the SaleOrder id, in the controller I save the SaleOrderLine, but the problem is that when the view is reload and delete some saleOrderLine from the grid (in the related panel) the view is reloaded and again loads the saleOrderLine from the database to delete, the thing is that the saleOrderLine from the grid is deleted in memory, I don’t know the database, it would work Yes, it would also delete from the grid, but I didn’t like this option.
Specify one action on onChange on saleOrdeLineList field on SaleOrder form to set the value for SaleOrder. And the popup calls the controller method will only process and set the values for SaleOrderLine.