Upgrade from 6.0.9 to 6.0.16: getEnableAppBuilder() error


I’m using docker to run Open Suite 6.0.9, but I’m pretty sur my execution environment is unrelated to difficulties I get.

My current try :
_install of 6.0.16 in a new container, and link /var/lib/postgresql to a copy of files used with 6.0.9 (which is equivalent of using the database working with 6.0.9 with application in 6.0.16 without docker).
_starting the container (database + webapp)
_authentication with admin account

First I got getEnterpriseCommunication() error. The fix described seems to get ride of the error.

Now I got a new error : « Cannot invoke method getEnableAppBuilder() on null object ».
I’m stuck to this point, and have no display of the applications menu.

Any advice on a better way to upgrade (with or without Docker) ?
Any solution to solve the getEnableAppBuilder() error ?


Could you kindly confirm if you have reviewed this with the latest Aos? If you’re still experiencing trouble, we would appreciate it if you could share the error log. We’re here to assist you in solving this issue.
