XML hot reload stopped working after upgrade to 6.1


I’ve been working on 6.0.9, doing customizations for a customer and I had XML hot reload working nicely. Before going to production, in order to avoid issues during the upgrade I switched to 6.1.3, cleaned and rebuilt the project and fixed incompatibilities in my extensions. Since my database only had test data, I started from scratch with a new database (so there is no chance this is caused by incorrect upgrade of the database).

Since switching to 6.1.3 XML hot reload does not work any more (nothing happens, views are not updated). Any clues where to look?


When loading views, what does the log write in debug mode?

As far as I remember it was normal « importing view … » without any errors. But I’ve had other issues as well, so now I’m doing another rebuild and I will report back with exact logs.

This is what I get when doing a « Restore All… » views:

log excerpt
Importing: /D:/Projects/open-suite-webapp/modules/axelor-open-suite/axelor-bank-payment/bin/main/views/BankDetails.xml
2022-01-24 18:55:58.098 DEBUG 31236 --- [ol-907-thread-4] com.axelor.meta.loader.ViewLoader        : Importing: /D:/Projects/open-suite-webapp/modules/axelor-open-suite/axelor-bank-payment/bin/main/views/BankOrder.xml
2022-01-24 18:55:58.100 DEBUG 31236 --- [ol-907-thread-3] com.axelor.meta.loader.ViewLoader        : Loading view: bank-details-bank-order-grid
2022-01-24 18:55:58.100 DEBUG 31236 --- [ol-907-thread-1] com.axelor.meta.loader.ViewLoader        : Loading action: action-bank-statement-method-print
2022-01-24 18:55:58.109 DEBUG 31236 --- [ol-907-thread-1] com.axelor.meta.loader.ViewLoader        : Loading action: action-bank-statement-method-run-bank-reconciliation
2022-01-24 18:55:58.112 DEBUG 31236 --- [ol-907-thread-3] com.axelor.meta.loader.ViewLoader        : Loading view: bank-details-bank-order-company-grid
2022-01-24 18:55:58.116 DEBUG 31236 --- [ol-907-thread-1] com.axelor.meta.loader.I18nLoader        : Load translation: /D:/Projects/open-suite-webapp/modules/axelor-open-suite/axelor-bank-payment/bin/main/i18n/messages_nl.csv
2022-01-24 18:55:58.123 DEBUG 31236 --- [ol-907-thread-3] com.axelor.meta.loader.ViewLoader        : Loading view: bank-details-bank-payment-tree
2022-01-24 18:55:58.126 DEBUG 31236 --- [ol-907-thread-4] com.axelor.meta.loader.ViewLoader        : Loading view: bank-order-bank-to-bank-grid
2022-01-24 18:55:58.140 DEBUG 31236 --- [ol-907-thread-4] com.axelor.meta.loader.ViewLoader        : Loading view: bank-order-grid

No errors that I can see.